Number Hive Printable Game Boards

Expand your Number Hive game play into addition, fractions, algebra and much more with our printable game boards.  Perfect for extending learning, or unlocking the power and equity of blended learning.

Physical manipulatives are a fantastic way of building fluency in number operations. They provide a tangible and interactive way for students to explore mathematical concepts, fostering deeper understanding in an engaging way.

Extend learning: If you’re looking to strengthen number sense with our addition version, step into simple multiplication with our starter packs, or extend learning student learning into algebra, fractions, decimals and beyond.

Blend Learning: Number Hive  game boards provide equity for all students, whether they have limited technology access, or prefer hands on engagement. You can personalize instruction, differentiate learning, and foster active participation for all. These are the perfect low floor, high ceiling activities.

How to play: Simply download your Number Hive game boards then print them out. You can use transparent counters to play. Many teachers prefer laminate the boards, or slip them into transparent sleeves, and use white board markers. Download and have the PDF forever!

Download your free sample pack and a heap of other fantastic FREE resources.

Number Hive Game Boards - Multiplication Strategy Game Teacher Resource 1-12

Multiplication: 1-12 (Times Tables)

The game you know and love is now printable, perfect for use as a stand alone classroom resource, or as the ultimate blended learning multiplication package.

Perfect for ages 7-13

Number Hive Game Boards - Multiplication Strategy Game Teacher Resource Maze

Multiplication: The Maze!!!

Brilliant for a ‘daily maze’ class challenge, or as homework (students explain the journey they took to get from the maze start to maze finish).

Perfect for all ages 

Have you played Number Hive online, yet?

Now available online, in the physical form, or better still – why not up your blended learning game to really drive differentiated learning in your class

Check out our blog for more student engagement tips, information about mathematics anxiety, and lots of other great content.

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