Tag: Education

Demystifying Explicit Instruction: A Valuable Tool in Education

There is a debate raging amongst educators that goes something like this. Explicit instruction or Inquiry based learning? This is an argument harming education in general for many reasons. The first being that we’ve set up a false dichotomy. There is a misconception in what explicit instruction actually means and needs clearing up! In the realm of education, strategies and methodologies are like a vast landscape, offering diverse approaches to help students learn. However, within this landscape, misconceptions often lurk, waiting to be debunked. One such misconception is the conflation...

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5 Ways To Use Chat GPT-3 in the classroom

The dangers and opportunities inherent in using Chat GPT-3 in the classroom are being debated hotly in education departments the world over. ChatGPT-3, the powerful AI-powered language model, is quickly becoming a game-changer in all walks of life – not least the education sector. When it comes to applications of Chat GPT-3 in the classroom, the jury is out on the potential impact the technology will have on our approach to teaching and on our students learning. But impact it will. Even the earliest release of Chat GPT-3 (short for ‘generative pre-trained transformer) has...

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