About Us

Our Mission

Our mission is to make mathematics fun and accessible to everyone. Number Hive is founded on three key principles: simplicity, flexibility, and affordability. It’s designed to be easy to use, so you won’t lose precious time figuring it out. It seamlessly fits into any lesson plan, supporting every curriculum and teaching style. And most importantly, it’s cost-effective, so every school can benefit. We believe that every child, parent, and educator can unlock confidence and mastery in mathematics through joyful and genuine engagement. Together, we can shatter the myth of ‘I can’t do maths’—for good.

Who makes Number Hive

We’re a team of Mathematics teachers and technology enthusiasts. Some of us are mathematics nuts, others aren’t. All of us have become hooked on Number Hive because, as we keep saying, it’s different.

We want to help young people learn to love Mathematics. Our experience comes directly from the classroom, where we experienced Mathematics anxiety amongst students, parents, and even teachers, daily.

Meet our founder, Chris Hogbin

Chris knows a thing or two about how students, parents and even teachers struggle with maths anxiety, he spent 10 years as a high school maths teacher, on the front line of supporting students to overcome the mental barrier of maths, and unlock understanding and even enjoyment. That’s where Number Hive was born…

“Each year I would meet the new cohort of year 7’s. They arrived from different schools. However, they all brought in the same Mathematical baggage. And it always fitted in one of these buckets:

  • I’m not a maths person

  • Maths is boring or irrelevant

  • Maths is about rules. I can do it, but I don’t understand the concept.”

Our Vision

My first goal was to help change these deeply ingrained attitudes that I could see hindering future progress and enjoyment of maths. One of the tools I used to address this huge pain point was an analogue game. It helped develop a growth mindset, was a game that students loved playing and most importantly, fostered a deep understanding of key foundations necessary for students to succeed.

The game helped my students overcome all these obstacles and led to a love of mathematics and opened the doors to a bright future in STEM. I dreamt of some day turning the game into something that all students could use. And here it is. We hope you love it as much as we do.

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