Multiplication Fact Fluency ‘I Can’ Assessment

January 11, 2023

I can” assessments are an effective tool that can enhance the teaching and learning process, by providing clear and measurable learning goals and allowing for ongoing assessment of student understanding and progress. You can access our Multiplication fact fluency ‘I Can’ assessment below.

Benefits of ‘I can’ assessments

Also known as ‘learning target’s’ or ‘success criteria assessments’, I can’ assessments focus on the skills and knowledge that students should have acquired, rather than the traditional method of testing their ability to memorize and regurgitate information.

Aligns assessment with instruction

One of the main benefits of ‘I can’ assessments is that they help to align instruction and assessment. By clearly articulating the skills and knowledge that students should be able to demonstrate, teachers can ensure that their instruction is focused on helping students to achieve these goals. This can help to improve the effectiveness of instruction, as students are better able to understand what is expected of them and how to work towards achieving it.

Underlines the required skills for students

‘I can’ assessments also provide students with a clear understanding of what they need to do in order to be successful in a particular subject or unit of study. By giving students a clear idea of the skills and knowledge that they need to acquire, students are better able to set goals for themselves and work towards achieving them. This can help to improve students’ motivation and engagement, as they are better able to see the relevance and value of what they are learning.

Gives consistent and clear feed back for teachers

Another benefit of ‘I can’ assessments is that they provide teachers with a clear and concise way to give feedback on student learning. By focusing on specific skills and knowledge, teachers are better able to identify areas where students may be struggling and provide targeted support. This can help to improve student learning, as students are better able to understand what they need to do to improve and are given the necessary support to do so.

Maps student progress over time

‘I can’ assessments can also be used to monitor student progress over time. By regularly assessing students on the same set of learning targets, teachers can track how well students are progressing and make adjustments to instruction as needed. This can help to ensure that students are consistently making progress and that instruction is meeting their needs.

Evaluates teacher effectiveness

In addition, these type of assessments can be used to evaluate the effectiveness of a teacher’s instruction. By looking at how well students are able to demonstrate the skills and knowledge that were targeted for instruction, teachers can get an idea of how well their instruction is working and make adjustments as necessary.

Furthermore, it allows teachers to adjust instruction to meet the needs of individual students. By assessing students individually and identifying areas where they may be struggling, teachers can provide targeted support and instruction to help those students catch up. This can help to reduce the achievement gap between students and ensure that all students have an equal opportunity to succeed.

Overall, ‘I can’ assessments are a valuable tool for teachers and students alike. They provide a clear and specific way to assess student learning, align instruction and assessment, monitor student progress, evaluate instruction and give targeted support for students. These assessments empower students to take ownership of their learning, understand their strengths and areas for improvement and strive for continuous progress.

Try our Multiplication fact fluence ‘I Can’ assessment

This assessment gives an overview for a students multiplication fact fluency and can be done as a self-assessment or by the teacher. Regions – USA, UK, Australia

USA – Common Core

“I can”Standard4321
recall multiplication facts up to 12 x 123.OA.A.1Consistently and accurately recalls all multiplication facts up to 12 x 12Accurately recalls most multiplication facts up to 12 x 12, with occasional errorsOccasionally recalls multiplication facts up to 12 x 12, with frequent errorsRarely recalls multiplication facts up to 12 x 12
understand multiplication as repeated addition3.OA.A.2Consistently and accurately understands how multiplication is repeated additionAccurately understands how multiplication is repeated addition, with occasional errorsOccasionally understands how multiplication is repeated addition, with frequent errorsRarely understands how multiplication is repeated addition
use multiplication to find the total number in a group of items3.OA.A.3Consistently and accurately uses multiplication to find the total number in a group of items, showing flexibility and understanding of the concept.Accurately uses multiplication to find the total number in a group of items, with occasional errors, or needs support.Occasionally uses multiplication to find the total number in a group of items, with frequent errors, or limited understanding of the concept.Rarely uses multiplication to find the total number in a group of items, or no understanding of the concept.
understand the properties of multiplication and the relationship between multiplication and division3.OA.A.4Consistently and accurately demonstrates understanding of the properties of multiplication and the relationship between multiplication and division. Clearly explains reasoning and reasoning and uses appropriate vocabularyAccurately demonstrates understanding of the properties of multiplication and the relationship between multiplication and division with occasional errors, or needs support to explain reasoning.Occasionally demonstrates understanding of the properties of multiplication and the relationship between multiplication and division, with frequent errors or limited understanding of the concept.Rarely demonstrates understanding of the properties of multiplication and the relationship between multiplication and division, or no understanding of the concept.
fluently multiply and divide within 1003.OA.A.6, 3.OA.A.7Consistently and accurately fluently performs multiplication and division within 100, with flexibility.Accurately fluently performs multiplication and division within 100, with occasional errors, or needs support to maintain fluency.Occasionally fluently performs multiplication and division within 100, with frequent errors or limited fluency.Rarely fluently performs multiplication and division within 100, or no fluency.
multiply one-digit whole numbers by multiples of 10 in the range 10-904.NBT.A.3Consistently and accurately multiplies one-digit whole numbers by multiples of 10 in the range 10-90 and understands the underlying patterns and concepts.Accurately multiplies one-digit whole numbers by multiples of 10 in the range 10-90 with occasional errors, or needs support to understand the underlying concepts.Occasionally multiplies one-digit whole numbers by multiples of 10 in the range 10-90, with frequent errors or limited understanding of the underlying concepts.Rarely multiplies one-digit whole numbers by multiples of 10 in the range 10-90, or no understanding of the underlying concepts.
multiply multi-digit whole numbers using the distributive property and strategies based on place value4.NBT.B.5Consistently and accurately multiplies multi-digit whole numbers using the distributive property and strategies based on place value, demonstrating a deep understanding of the concepts and the ability to choose appropriate strategies.Accurately multiplies multi-digit whole numbers using the distributive property and strategies based on place value, with occasional errors or needs support to understand the concepts and choose appropriate strategies.Occasionally multiplies multi-digit whole numbers using the distributive property and strategies based on place value, with frequent errors or limited understanding of the concepts and the ability to choose appropriate strategies.Rarely multiplies multi-digit whole numbers using the distributive property and strategies based on place value, or no understanding of the concepts and the ability to choose appropriate strategies.

Find out more about how Number Hive links to USA Common Core Standards with our Lesson guides

UK – National Curriculum

“I can”UK National Curriculum4321
recall multiplication and division facts up to 12×12 and use them to solve problems3aConsistently and accurately recalls all multiplication facts up to 12 x 12Accurately recalls most multiplication facts up to 12 x 12, with occasional errorsOccasionally recalls multiplication facts up to 12 x 12, with frequent errorsRarely recalls multiplication facts up to 12 x 12
use the multiplication tables that they know to derive and recall multiplication facts for multiplication tables up to 12×12, including recognising odd and even numbers3bConsistently and accurately recalls and derives multiplication facts for multiplication tables up to 12×12, including recognizing odd and even numbers with flexibility.Accurately recalls and derives multiplication facts for multiplication tables up to 12×12, including recognizing odd and even numbers with occasional errors or needs support to maintain flexibility.Occasionally recalls and derives multiplication facts for multiplication tables up to 12×12, including recognizing odd and even numbers with frequent errors or limited flexibility.Rarely recalls and derives multiplication facts for multiplication tables up to 12×12, including recognizing odd and even numbers, or no flexibility.
solve problems involving multiplication and division, using materials, arrays, repeated addition, mental methods and the distributive law3fConsistently and accurately solves problems involving multiplication and division, using a variety of strategies, including materials, arrays, repeated addition, mental methods, and the distributive law, demonstrating a deep understanding of the concepts and the ability to choose appropriate strategies.Accurately solves problems involving multiplication and division, using a variety of strategies, including materials, arrays, repeated addition, mental methods, and the distributive law, with occasional errors or needs support to understand the concepts and choose appropriate strategies.Occasionally solves problems involving multiplication and division, using a variety of strategies, including materials, arrays, repeated addition, mental methods, and the distributive law, with frequent errors or limited understanding of the concepts and the ability to choose appropriate strategies.Rarely solves problems involving multiplication and division, using a variety of strategies, including materials, arrays, repeated addition, mental methods, and the distributive law, or no understanding of the concepts and the ability to choose appropriate strategies.

Find out more about how Number Hive links to the UK National Curriculum with our Lesson Guides

Australian Curriculum

“I can”Australian Curriculum Standard4321
use visual aids to demonstrate the concept of multiplicationACMNA041Consistently and accurately use a variety of visual aids to clearly and effectively demonstrate the concept of multiplication, including the relationship between multiplication and addition.Accurately use visual aids to demonstrate the concept of multiplication with occasional errors or needs support to effectively and appropriately demonstrate the relationship between multiplication and addition.Occasionally use visual aids to demonstrate the concept of multiplication with frequent errors or limited ability to effectively and appropriately demonstrate the relationship between multiplication and addition.Rarely use visual aids to demonstrate the concept of multiplication, or no ability to effectively and appropriately demonstrate the relationship between multiplication and addition.
recall and use multiplication facts for the 2, 5 and 10 multiplication tablesACMNA011Consistently and accurately recalls and uses multiplication facts for the 2, 5, and 10 multiplication tables with flexibility.Accurately recalls and uses multiplication facts for the 2, 5, and 10 multiplication tables with occasional errors or needs support to maintain flexibility.Occasionally recalls and uses multiplication facts for the 2, 5, and 10 multiplication tables with frequent errors or limited flexibility.Rarely recalls and uses multiplication facts for the 2, 5, and 10 multiplication tables, or no flexibility.
use strategies, including counting in multiples, to perform efficient mental calculationsACMNA012Consistently and accurately perform mental calculations, using a variety of strategies, including counting in multiples, with flexibility, demonstrating a deep understanding of the concepts and the ability to choose appropriate strategies.Accurately perform mental calculations, using a variety of strategies, including counting in multiples, with occasional errors or needs support to maintain flexibility and choose appropriate strategies.Occasionally perform mental calculations, using a variety of strategies, including counting in multiples, with frequent errors or limited flexibility and understanding of the concepts and ability to choose appropriate strategies.Rarely perform mental calculations, using a variety of strategies, including counting in multiples, or no understanding of the concepts and ability to choose appropriate strategies.
recall and use multiplication and division facts for tables of up to 10 × 10ACMNA015Consistently and accurately recalls and uses multiplication and division facts for tables of up to 10 x 10 with flexibility.Accurately recalls and uses multiplication and division facts for tables of up to 10 x 10 with occasional errors or needs support to maintain flexibility.Occasionally recalls and uses multiplication and division facts for tables of up to 10 x 10 with frequent errors or limited flexibility.Rarely recalls and uses multiplication and division facts for tables of up to 10 x 10, or no flexibility.
use multiplication to find the total number in a group of itemsACMNA016Consistently and accurately uses multiplication to find the total number in a group of items, showing flexibility and understanding of the concept.Accurately uses multiplication to find the total number in a group of items, with occasional errors, or needs support.Occasionally uses multiplication to find the total number in a group of items, with frequent errors, or limited understanding of the concept.Rarely uses multiplication to find the total number in a group of items, or no understanding of the concept.
use the commutative law of multiplication for whole numbersACMNA017Consistently and accurately applies the commutative law of multiplication to whole numbers with understanding and flexibility, demonstrating a deep understanding of the concept and its applications.Accurately applies the commutative law of multiplication to whole numbers with occasional errors or needs support to maintain flexibility and understanding of the concept and its applications.Occasionally applies the commutative law of multiplication to whole numbers with frequent errors or limited understanding and flexibility of the concept and its applications.Rarely applies the commutative law of multiplication to whole numbers, or no understanding and flexibility of the concept and its applications.
use the distributive law to multiply a single-digit number by a two-digit numberACMNA018Consistently and accurately use the distributive law to multiply a single-digit number by a two-digit number with understanding of the concept and flexibility in applying the strategy.Accurately use the distributive law to multiply a single-digit number by a two-digit number with occasional errors or limited understanding of the concept and flexibility in applying the strategy.Occasionally use the distributive law to multiply a single-digit number by a two-digit number with frequent errors or limited understanding of the concept and flexibility in applying the strategy.Rarely use the distributive law to multiply a single-digit number by a two-digit number, or no understanding of the concept and flexibility in applying the strategy.

Find out more about how Number Hive links to the Australian Curriculum with our Lesson Guides


“I can”NSW Mathematics K-10 Syllabus4321
recall and use multiplication facts for the 2, 5, and 10 multiplication tablesMA2-1NAConsistently and accurately recalls and uses multiplication facts for the 2, 5, and 10 multiplication tables with flexibility.Accurately recalls and uses multiplication facts for the 2, 5, and 10 multiplication tables with occasional errors or needs support to maintain flexibility.Occasionally recalls and uses multiplication facts for the 2, 5, and 10 multiplication tables with frequent errors or limited flexibility.Rarely recalls and uses multiplication facts for the 2, 5, and 10 multiplication tables, or no flexibility.
use visual aids to demonstrate the concept of multiplicationMA2-1NAConsistently and accurately use a variety of visual aids to clearly and effectively demonstrate the concept of multiplication, including the relationship between multiplication and addition.Accurately use visual aids to demonstrate the concept of multiplication with occasional errors or needs support to effectively and appropriately demonstrate the relationship between multiplication and addition.Occasionally use visual aids to demonstrate the concept of multiplication with frequent errors or limited ability to effectively and appropriately demonstrate the relationship between multiplication and addition.Rarely use visual aids to demonstrate the concept of multiplication, or no ability to effectively and appropriately demonstrate the relationship between multiplication and addition.
use strategies, including counting in multiples, to perform efficient mental calculationsMA2-1NAConsistently and accurately perform mental calculations, using a variety of strategies, including counting in multiples, with flexibility, demonstrating a deep understanding of the concepts and the ability to choose appropriate strategies.Accurately perform mental calculations, using a variety of strategies, including counting in multiples, with occasional errors or needs support to maintain flexibility and choose appropriate strategies.Occasionally perform mental calculations, using a variety of strategies, including counting in multiples, with frequent errors or limited flexibility and understanding of the concepts and ability to choose appropriate strategies.Rarely perform mental calculations, using a variety of strategies, including counting in multiples, or no understanding of the concepts and ability to choose appropriate strategies.
recall and use multiplication and division facts for tables of up to 10 × 10MA2-1NAConsistently and accurately recalls and uses multiplication and division facts for tables of up to 10 x 10 with flexibility.Accurately recalls and uses multiplication and division facts for tables of up to 10 x 10 with occasional errors or needs support to maintain flexibility.Occasionally recalls and uses multiplication and division facts for tables of up to 10 x 10 with frequent errors or limited flexibility.Rarely recalls and uses multiplication and division facts for tables of up to 10 x 10, or no flexibility.
use multiplication to find the total number in a group of itemsMA2-1NAConsistently and accurately uses multiplication to find the total number in a group of items, showing flexibility and understanding of the concept.Accurately uses multiplication to find the total number in a group of items, with occasional errors, or needs support.Occasionally uses multiplication to find the total number in a group of items, with frequent errors, or limited understanding of the concept.Rarely uses multiplication to find the total number in a group of items, or no understanding of the concept.
use the commutative law of multiplication for whole numbersMA2-1NAConsistently and accurately applies the commutative law of multiplication to whole numbers with understanding and flexibility, demonstrating a deep understanding of the concept and its applications.Accurately applies the commutative law of multiplication to whole numbers with occasional errors or needs support to maintain flexibility and understanding of the concept and its applications.Occasionally applies the commutative law of multiplication to whole numbers with frequent errors or limited understanding and flexibility of the concept and its applications.Rarely applies the commutative law of multiplication to whole numbers, or no understanding and flexibility of the concept and its applications.
use the distributive law to multiply a single-digit number by a two-digit numberMA2-1NAConsistently and accurately use the distributive law to multiply a single-digit number by a two-digit number with understanding of the concept and flexibility in applying the strategy.Accurately use the distributive law to multiply a single-digit number by a two-digit number with occasional errors or limited understanding of the concept and flexibility in applying the strategy.Occasionally use the distributive law to multiply a single-digit number by a two-digit number with frequent errors or limited understanding of the concept and flexibility in applying the strategy.Rarely use the distributive law to multiply a single-digit number by a two-digit number, or no understanding of the concept and flexibility in applying the strategy.


“I can”Standard4321
recall and use multiplication facts for the 2, 5 and 10 multiplication tables(VMAES1.5)Consistently and accurately recalls and uses multiplication facts for the 2, 5, and 10 multiplication tables with flexibility.Accurately recalls and uses multiplication facts for the 2, 5, and 10 multiplication tables with occasional errors or needs support to maintain flexibility.Occasionally recalls and uses multiplication facts for the 2, 5, and 10 multiplication tables with frequent errors or limited flexibility.Rarely recalls and uses multiplication facts for the 2, 5, and 10 multiplication tables, or no flexibility.
use visual aids to demonstrate the concept of multiplication (VMAES1.4)Consistently and accurately use a variety of visual aids to clearly and effectively demonstrate the concept of multiplication, including the relationship between multiplication and addition.Accurately use visual aids to demonstrate the concept of multiplication with occasional errors or needs support to effectively and appropriately demonstrate the relationship between multiplication and addition.Occasionally use visual aids to demonstrate the concept of multiplication with frequent errors or limited ability to effectively and appropriately demonstrate the relationship between multiplication and addition.Rarely use visual aids to demonstrate the concept of multiplication, or no ability to effectively and appropriately demonstrate the relationship between multiplication and addition.
use strategies to recall basic multiplication facts(VMAES2.5)Consistently and accurately recall basic multiplication facts within a given time limit, demonstrating a clear understanding and flexibility in the use of strategies.Accurately recall basic multiplication facts within a given time limit with occasional errors, demonstrating an understanding and use of strategies with some support.Occasionally recall basic multiplication facts within a given time limit with frequent errors, demonstrating limited understanding and use of strategies.Rarely recall basic multiplication facts within a given time limit, demonstrating little to no understanding or use of strategies.
use the commutative property of multiplication to recognize the multiplication facts(VMAES2.4)Consistently and accurately applies the commutative law of multiplication to whole numbers with understanding and flexibility, demonstrating a deep understanding of the concept and its applications.Accurately applies the commutative law of multiplication to whole numbers with occasional errors or needs support to maintain flexibility and understanding of the concept and its applications.Occasionally applies the commutative law of multiplication to whole numbers with frequent errors or limited understanding and flexibility of the concept and its applications.Rarely applies the commutative law of multiplication to whole numbers, or no understanding and flexibility of the concept and its applications.
explain the relationship between multiplication and division(VMAES2.3)Consistently and accurately explain the relationship between multiplication and division using mathematical language, symbols and appropriate examples.Accurately explain the relationship between multiplication and division with occasional errors or needs support to use appropriate mathematical language, symbols and examples.Occasionally explain the relationship between multiplication and division with frequent errors or limited ability to use appropriate mathematical language, symbols and examples.Rarely explain the relationship between multiplication and division, or no ability to use appropriate mathematical language, symbols and examples.

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